Welcome to my den!
Hi, my name is Britt Marie- you can call me Britt. The mission behind this blog is to create a place where we can grow to our full potential from the inside out and to inspire women to love, uplift, support and befriend each other throughout all of life's obstacles. Sure, we're used to having maybe enough friends to count on one hand, talking TRUE friends ladies, and that's OK - the goal here is to open ourselves to the possibilities of our positive attitudes and what that can do for our networking and personal circles.
With this blog, I will bring you a variety of topics and trends that you can mimic or spruce up to your liking. There will be videos and pictures and I'm a major D.I.Y. addict. No fear, we wont always discuss our psyche, but we will touch base on our little contributions to the communities that give us purpose. Working with people, I tend to take on their energy and at the end of the day where does it go? We all need a release and this is a safe place to come toss ideas or experiences. The best way to get pass something is to deal with it and what's more comforting than a friend with no judgement attached? I'm here to help you and inspire you to be the best version of yourself, all of you.READY?I hope so, comment below and let me know what your thoughts and ideas are for topics and whatever. Take a second, follow me on my networks and lets network! I want to thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully share your time with me.
And before I forget to say it - Happy New Year!
XoXo, Britt